Our Factory

Hayasy Group has more than 10 years of experience in the production

of high quality alcoholic (more than 10 items with a content of 4.1% - 50% alc.) and non-alcoholic products (more than 60 items). The company is one of the largest in the Region in terms of the export of its products both to the CIS countries and Europe and the USA.

years of experience in the production

years of experience

in the production of high quality alcoholic
and non-alcoholic products

The main task is the safety

of consumers.

Hayasy Group in the manufacturing process of its products
uses only natural, environmentally friendly and
safe raw materials tested for quality.

All products of the company are automated․ Every production facility (10 separate production areas) are separated from each other, located in separate buildings and equipped with production lines, the capacity of which varies from 5,000 to 15,000 bottles/cans per hour.

One of the goals of Hayasy Group is to increase the volume of production, its quality and safety, as well as to improve manufacturing technologies and all activities of the enterprise as a whole.